Michael Nunn

207 Van Vorst St, Apt 1201 · Jersey City, NJ 07302 · (862) 485-5860 · michaelnunn@gmail.com

Student at the University of Florida studying Computer Science and pursuing a minor in Sales Engineering. Actively seeking both internship and full-time positions that entail practicing full stack development and working in a collaborative team environment.


University of Florida

Bachelor of Science
Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Minor in Sales Engineering

GPA: 3.2

August 2016 - December 2020

Chatham High School

September 2012 - May 2016


Fitness Tracker

Mongo.db, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js

Web application that implements CRUD operations using the MEAN stack

Users can track their workouts through entries in a Mongo.db database

Can search and sort workouts based on preference

Fall 2019

Mentorship and Advocacy Matching Program

Mongo.db, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js

Created a web application using the MEAN stack and Agile Scrum development processes

Developed an algorithm to match mentors/mentees based on similar backgrounds and experiences

Worked with Ultimate Software as the Product manager in this semester long project for the Software Engineering course to ensure the app was created within the given specifications

Project Link
Spring 2019

Google Page Rank Project


Implemented Googles PageRank algorithm to determine the importance of webpages

Analyzed network flow to represent the web as a graph

Used of hash tables and adjacency matrices to rank the importance of each URL

Spring 2018

Magic Square Sudoku Game


Worked on a team to create a game that allows users to play a simplified version of Sudoku

Populated 2D arrays as various sized magic squares and removed items for the user to guess

Created a friendly user interface to allow the user to easily input their answers

Spring 2018


Programming Languages & Tools
Primary Languages: Java, C++, JavaScript

Other Tools: MS Office, Git, Pivotal Tracker

  • Agile Development & Scrum

Relevant Coursework

  • Applications of Discrete Structures
  • Computational Linear Algebra
  • Computational Numerical Analysis
  • Data Structures and Agorithms
  • Digital Logic and Computer Systems
  • Engineering Economy
  • Information and Database Systems 1
  • Introduction to Computer Organization
  • Introduction to Software Engineering
  • Operating Systems
  • Professional Communication for Engineers
  • Programming Fundamentals 1 (Java)
  • Programming Fundamentals 2 (C++)


Apart from being a full time student, I enjoy spending a lot of time outdoors. Living in Gainesville, Florida provides me with great opportunity to explore many interesting outdoor activities (I mostly enjoy being about an hour from the beach). I also enjoy learning about topics outside my field of study. Some of the topics I am most interested in include: space, technology, and the environment.

I am involved in student organization called Camp Kesem as a Summer Camp Counselor. The University of Florida chapter of Camp Kesem fundraises year round to send kids who's parents have been affected by cancer to camp. Through various fundraising events and the camp itself, Camp Kesem has earned a place among my favorite student organizations

I am also involved in the University of Florida Chapter of Sigma Nu (Epsilon Zeta). In addition to being a general member, I have taken the initiative of serving the executive board for multiple terms. Sigma Nu has provided me with outstanding leadership and team building skills.